
The signal acquisition is first created using any child acquisition class of LDAQ.BaseAcquisition.

In this example, we use the LDAQ.national_instruments.NIAcquisition class, which is a wrapper for the National Instruments DAQmx driver. The class accepts the name of the input task as an argument:

acq = LDAQ.national_instruments.NIAcquisition(task_name='input_task_1', acquisition_name='NI')

task_name is the input task name defined in NIMax software, and acquisition_name is the name of acquisition object. The acquisition_name argument is important when using multiple acquisition objects in the same measurement, and when specifying the layout of the live visualization. In the next step the acq object can be added to the LDAQ.Core class:

ldaq = LDAQ.Core(acq)

Often the measurement is started when one of the signal excedes a certain level. This can be achieved by setting the trigger on one of the data sources by calling the set_trigger method:



  • source: the name of the acquisition object on which the trigger is set.

  • level: the trigger level.

  • channel: the channel on which the trigger is set.

  • duration: the duration of the trigger in seconds.

  • presamples: the number of samples to be acquired before the trigger is detected.


The LDAQ.Core may seem unnecessary when using a single acquisition source. However, it enables the simultaneous usage of signal generation, live visualization and multiple acquisition/generation sources.

The measurement can now be started by calling the run method:


When calling run method as shown above, the measurement duration will be equal to the one specified with set_trigger method. Alternatively, the measurement duration can be specified by calling run method with the measurement_duration argument:

After the measurement is completed, the data can be saved by calling save_measurmeent method:

    comment='my comment'


  • name: required, the name of the measurement, without extension (.pkl is added automatically).

  • root: optional, the path to the folder where the measurement will be saved. If it is not given, the measurement will be saved in the current working directory.

  • timestamp: optional, add a timestamp at the beginning of the file name.

  • comment: optional, a comment to be saved with the measurement.