Live visualization#

Live visualization of the measurments is possible by adding the LDAQ.Visualization object to the LDAQ.Core class:

ldaq = LDAQ.Core(acq, visualization=vis)
vis = LDAQ.Visualization(refresh_rate=100, max_points_to_refresh=1e4, sequential_plot_updates=True)
  • refresh_rate: defines the refresh rate of the live plot in milliseconds. refresh_rate can also be defined for each line/image separetely (see add_lines for more details).

  • max_points_to_refresh: defines the maximum number of points to refresh in the plot. Adjust this number to optimize performance. This number is used to compute the nth value automatically.

  • sequential_plot_updates: if True, the lines are updated sequentially in each iteration of the main loop. Potentially, the plot can show a phase shift between the lines. This is because when the first line is updated, the data for the second line is already acquired. To avoid this, set sequential_plot_updates to False.

Adding lines to the plot#

To show plot the data, the lines have to be added to the plot. The number of subplots is also determined in this step.

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=0, function=None, nth=10, refresh_rate=1000)

The arguments are:

  • position: the position of the subplot in the plot. The position is defined as a tuple of two integers, where the first integer is the row number and the second integer is the column number of the subplot.

  • source: the name of the acquisition source. The name is defined in the acquisition class.

  • channels: the indices of the channels to be plotted. See channels for more details.

  • function: the function to be applied to the data. This can be a built-in function or a custom function. See the function argument for more details.

  • nth: the number of data points to be plotted. If nth is set to 10, every 10th data point will be plotted. This is useful when the data is acquired at a high sample rate and the plot is updated at a low refresh rate. By default, nth is set to 'auto'. In this case, the number of data points to be plotted is determined automatically.

  • refresh_rate: the refresh rate of the subplot. If None, the refresh rate is set to the refresh rate set in the Visualization object.

  • t_span: the time span of the data to be plotted. If None, the time span is computed based on the xlim. The t_span defines the length of the data passed to a function. This is the same argument that can be given in the config_subplot method, but if it is defined here, this is the one that is taken into account.


If the channels argument is an integer, the data from the channel with the specified index will be plotted.

If the channels argument is a list of integers, the data from the channels with the specified indices will be plotted:

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=[0, 1])

To plot channel vs. channel the channels argument is a tuple of two integers:

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=(0, 1))

The first integer is the index of the x-axis and the second integer is the index of the y-axis.

Multiple channel vs. channel plots can be added to the same subplot:

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=[(0, 1), (2, 3)])

The function argument#

The data can be processed on-the-fly by a specified function.

The function can be specified by the user. To use the built-in functions, a string is passed to the function argument. An example of a built-in function is “fft” which computes the Fast Fourier Transform of the data with indices 0 and 1:

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=[0, 1], function='fft')

To build a custom function, the function must be defined as follows:

def function(self, channel_data):
    :param self: instance of the acquisition object (has to be there so the function is called properly)
    :param channel_data: channel data
    return channel_data**2

The self argument in the custom function referes to the instance of the acquisition object. This connection can be used to access the properties of the acquisition object, e.g. sample rate. The channel_data argument is a list of numpy arrays, where each array corresponds to the data from one channel. The data is acquired in the order specified in the channels argument.

For the example above, the custom function is called for each channel separetely, the channel_data is a one-dimensional numpy array. To add mutiple channels to the channel_data argument, the channels argument is modified as follows:

vis.add_lines(position=(0, 0), source='DataSource', channels=[(0, 1)], function=function)

The function is now passed the channel_data with shape (N, 2) where N is the number of samples. The function can also return a 2D numpy array with shape (N, 2) where the first column is the x-axis and the second column is the y-axis. An example of such a function is:

def function(self, channel_data):
    :param self: instance of the acquisition object (has to be there so the function is called properly)
    :param channel_data: 2D channel data array of size (N, 2)

    :return: 2D array np.array([x, y]).T that will be plotted on the subplot.
    ch0, ch1 = channel_data.T

    x =  np.arange(len(ch1)) / self.acquisition.sample_rate # time array
    y = ch1**2 + ch0 - 10

    return np.array([x, y]).T

Configure the subplots#

To configure the subplots, the config_subplot method is used:

vis.config_subplot(position=(2, 2), xlim=None, ylim=None, t_span=None, axis_style='linear', title=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1)

The valid arguments are:

  • position: the position of the subplot in the plot.

  • xlim: the x-axis limits of the subplot. If None, the limits are set to (0, 1).

  • ylim: the y-axis limits of the subplot. If None, the limits are set automatically.

  • t_span: the time span of the data to be plotted. If None, the time span is computed based on the xlim. The t_span defines the length of the data passed to a function.

  • axis_style: the style of the axis. The valid options are 'linear', 'semilogy', 'semilogx' and 'loglog'.

  • title: the title of the subplot.

  • rowspan: the number of rows the subplot spans.

  • colspan: the number of columns the subplot spans.


When plotting a simple time signal, the t_span and xlim have the same effect.

However, when plotting channel vs. channel, the t_span specifies the time range of the data and the xlim specifies the range of the x-axis (spatial).

When plotting a function, the t_span determines the time range of the data that is passed to the function. Last t_span seconds of data are passed to the function.


The xlim defines the samples that are plotted on the x-axis, not only a narrowed view of the data. With this, the same data can be viewed with different zoom levels in an effcient way.