
The signal generation can also be added to the LDAQ.Core class. Here, an example using the National Instruments DAQmx driver is shown.

The signal must be prepared by the user (here we recommend to check pyExSi).

import numpy as np

fs = 25600 # output sample rate
t = np.arange(fs * 10) / fs
signal1 = np.sin(2*np.pi*800*t)
signal2 = np.sin(2*np.pi*450*t)

signal = np.array([signal1, signal2]).T # shape must be (n_samples, n_channels)

Signal array is then passed to the LDAQ.NIGenerator class. The output_task_name must be defined beforehand using NIMax or NITaskOutput (see Output task).

gen = LDAQ.national_instruments.NIGeneration(output_task_name, signal)

The gen object can then be added to the LDAQ.Core class:

ldaq = LDAQ.Core(acq, gen)

acq is the acquisition object, see first example.

When the .run() method is called, the signal is generated and the acquisition is started.


For generating the signal on multiple channels, the signal must be a numpy array with the shape (n_samples, n_channels).