Multiple sources#

In the LDAQ.Core, multiple sources can be added.

Multiple acquisition sources#

To add multiple acquisition sources, the sources are defined separetely.

The following is an example, where two sources are defined, one for a NI DAQ and one for an Arduino.

acq1 = LDAQ.national_instruments.NIAcquisition('VirtualTask', acquisition_name="NI_task")

acq2 = LDAQ.serial_communication.SerialAcquisition(port="COM6", baudrate=250000, timeout=5,
                              byte_sequence=(("int16", 1), ("int16", 1)),
                              pretest_time= None,

The sources can simply be added to the LDAQ.Core object:

ldaq = LDAQ.Core(acquisitions=[acq1, acq2], visualization=vis)

vis is the visualization object (for more details see visualization).


The sample rates of the acquisition sources are not always known. If the sample_rate argument is set to None, the sample rate detection routine is started and sample rate is automatically estimated.


Currently, data obtained from multiple acquisition sources is not synchronized. The delay between the sources depends on various factors, mainly the sample rate and hardware data buffer.

Multiple generation sources#

Similarly, multiple generation sources can be added. Each generation source is defined separately (see generation) and added to the LDAQ.Core object.

gen1 = ...

gen2 = ...

ldaq = LDAQ.Core(acquisition=[acq1, acq2], generations=[gen1, gen2], visualization=vis)